St Augustine’s Day School, Barrackpore collaborated with Windows Production House for the movie DABARU, in an attempt of promoting Chess, showcasing life of Surya Shekhar Ganguly, the great Indian Chess Grandmaster from Bengal. A unique and insightful ‘Talk Show’, in association with Windows Production House, was hosted by our school on 6th May 2024, featuring the celebrities of the Bengali movie “Dabaru”.
This exceptional event was graced by esteemed personalities including Chess Grandmaster, Mr. Surya Shekhar Ganguly, Dabaru Director – Mr. Pathikrit Basu, Dabaru Actor – Mr. Biswanath Basu, and our esteemed Principal Ma’am, Ms. Shweta Ray. They lead insightful discussions on various aspects of chess, including strategies, benefits, and the evolving influence of social media on the game.
30 of our students are a part of this first ever movie based on the Game of Chess. Parents and students were enthralled to get tips and guidance from the Grandmaster himself in the interactive session.